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God Says Yes, We Say Amen

Healing Bible Study Preview

God Says Yes, We Say Amen:  He Heals Today!
Healing For Your Body, Soul, and Spirit – A Bible Study

  • Are you experiencing lack or brokenness in any area of your life?
  • Is your body sick or in pain?
  • Are you living with a chronic illness?
  • Have you been diagnosed with a terminal illness?
  • Are you depressed or anxious?
  • Are you angry, broken hearted, or deeply wounded from emotional pain?
  • Are you empty, lonely, or without purpose?

God has a promise for you – a promise for peace and wholeness in your spirit, soul, and body.  He has a good plan and purpose for you.  His Word says so!  And He is faithful!

Cindy knows Jesus the Healer very personally.  She has been healed of stage-four cancer twice; first melanoma, and 18 years later, lymphoma.  Many people have asked her, “What did you do to receive your healing?”  Cindy’s answer is really quite simple.  “I learned what God’s promises of healing are.  I received His truth into my heart.  I believed.  He said, ‘Yes’!  I said, ‘Amen’”!

Cindy shares those same truths with you through her foundational 10-week study … God Says Yes, We Say Amen.  This study has been designed to work well individually, or in a small or large group environment of seekers – no experts necessary!  Cindy teaches each session with passion, power, and purity of biblical truth. With the purchase of each study guide, you will receive a link to a digital download of the complete series of videos that accompany the study.  

Get ready! 
For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!”   And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.  (2 Corinthians 1:20  NLT)

God Says Yes, We Say Amen
He Heals Today!

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