The True Nature of God

The True Nature of God – Part 1
Wrong Thinking About God
Recorded April 2023

Futures are being shaped by wrong thinking about God. There are many distorted perceptions of God that have become deeply rooted and established in Christianity. How do we know if they are completely true, or if truth has been twisted to help us to understand the evil in the world around us? Look at Jesus! The Son is the dazzling radiance of God’s splendor, the exact expression of God’s true nature – His mirror image! (Hebrews 1:3a) If there’s a concept about God that cannot be substantiated in the life of Jesus, it is simply NOT TRUE! In this teaching, Cindy shares six distorted perceptions of God, and biblical truth to refute each of them.

The True Nature of God – Part 2
The History of God’s Grace
Recorded April 2023

In this message, Cindy reveals God’s heart of grace throughout history. We looked at God’s grace before the giving of the Mosaic Law, when sin was not held against the people, because there was no law. We looked at God’s grace through the Mosaic Law, which put a temporary restraint upon sin to keep it from multiplying, dominating, and destroying the human race – a temporary measure until Jesus could come to save us. And we looked at the better covenant of grace, our redemption from sin through Jesus! BUT Satan is the author of condemnation and one of the biggest things he uses to steal, kill and destroy, is keeping us immersed in the Old Covenant law instead of the New Covenant of grace.

The True Nature of God – Part 3
Jesus Reveals God’s True Nature
Recorded May 2023

Hebrews 1:3a says 3 The Son is the dazzling radiance of God’s splendor, the exact expression of God’s true nature – His mirror image! (TPT) In the gospels, we see Jesus forgiving with no condemnation, seeking and saving the lost, offering love and acceptance, saying “Yes, I am willing, be healed”, loving the unlovable and touching the untouchable. Jesus is filled with compassion, moved with compassion, and overflowing with compassion. Jesus IS the visible representation of the true nature of God. Is there any concept you are believing about God that you cannot substantiate in the life of Jesus? If so, you need to change your thinking!

The True Nature of God – Part 4
God is with us and for us
Recorded May 2023

Pastor Fran Viers shared this message. God is WITH us today through the Holy Spirit who dwells IN us. God’s word promises that because He is with us, we can have rest, protection, strength, deliverance, wisdom, prosperity and righteousness. God is also FOR us, which means that He is on our side! Knowing and acknowledging this amazing truth enables us to trust, to believe, and to receive!

The True Nature of God – Part 5
God IS Love
Recorded May 2023

God’s love is inherent, it is intrinsic, in is unconditional. It is a burning, fiery love that must be demonstrated. Revelation of God’s love breathes power into our faith. Saturating our minds and hearts with the truth of God’s unconditional love will do more to create a healing environment than anything else you can do.

The True Nature of God – Part 6
God IS Faithful
Recorded May 2023

O Lord God of hosts, who is like You, O mighty Lord? Your faithfulness surrounds You [as an intrinsic, unchangeable part of Your very being]. (Psalm 89:8 AMP) God is worthy of trust. He can be relied on. God is faithful to His word. It is accurate, incorruptible, and cannot be perverted! God is faithful to take care of us! Even when we miss it, His faithfulness never changes! Great indeed is His faithfulness!

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