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2024 - Teachings

Surrounded -- NOT Isolated!
Recorded Aug 2024

We are created to be relational. We NEED connection. Isolation is complete separation from others. It is a common deception of the enemy. Yet many who are sick or suffering draw away from others and fall into this dangerous deception. Hebrews 10:25a says: This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together. Surround yourself with faith builders … believers who point you to Jesus and to the Word of God. And separate yourself from faith killers … those with a negative perspective; voices and resources that discourage.

The Law of Sowing and Reaping
Recorded Aug 2024

Galatians 8:7 says, Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. This is a spiritual law. It is immutable. In this teaching, Cindy shares 7 keys how to cooperated with the law of sowing and reaping in order to abide in the zoe life that Jesus died to give us!

Romans 8:2
Recorded Aug 2024

The Law of Sin and Death vs. The Law of the Spirit of Life
We’ve been delivered from the dominion of sin. But even as born-again believers, “if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” (Romans 8:13) Our ability to live and thrive in the higher law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus depends completely on our relationship with God, because that is the environment for faith to be fueled.

Recorded July 2024

As children of God, we have been delivered FROM tyrannical rule of darkness, and translated into the kingdom realm of God! And that’s amazing news! But there’s more! We’ve also been delivered FOR a destiny in Christ. We are more than conquerors, with the potential to triumph over every wile of the enemy! May the completeness of our deliverance cause even more people to give glory to God!!!

The Glory of God
Recorded July 2024

The glory of God is the manifest presence of God, complete with all of His attributes and His character. The “manifest” presence of God means that we perceive His presence with our senses; or we recognize or understand His presence through revelation. God’s glory is revealed through His Son, Jesus. God’s glory is revealed through signs and wonders. God’s glory abides within believers, and is manifested through believers. … [the time is coming when] the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14 AMP)

Give Thanks
Recorded July 2024

18 In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18 AMP) When we continually give thanks to God no matter what our current circumstances are—our focus moves OFF of our problem, our pain, our symptoms, and ON to God and His benefits! When we give thanks to God BEFORE healing is manifested in our bodies, it is a powerful declaration of faith. We abound in faith as we give thanks to God!

Hearken to His Benefits – Part 2
Eagle Benefits!

Recorded June 2024

Cindy shares her amazing eagle testimony within the context of God’s promises of renewed youth, renewed strength, carried and chosen. She teaches us how to soar like an eagle, conserving our strength without flapping our wings!

Hearken to His Benefits – Part 1
Recorded June 2024

In this 2-part message, Cindy teaches from Psalm 103:1-5. Verse 2 tells us, “Do not forget any of His benefits”. The Hebrew word “forget” also means do not ignore, or do not cease to care about. Are you in awe of the magnitude of your salvation—your forgiveness, your healing, your redemption? Many of us have grown lukewarm concerning His benefits. That should not be so!

Psalm 91 – God’s Shield of Protection
Recorded June 2024

This psalm is a powerful promise of protection for those who abide continuously in the secret place of our Most High God, and remain under the shadow of El-Shaddai, our All-Sufficient God! We are promised deliverance from every evil known to mankind … IF we choose to remain steadfast under His protective wings; and use the authority we’ve been commissioned!

Shalom vs. Chaos
Recorded May 2024

God’s peace is not just an absence of tranquility, harmony, strife, or anxiety. Rather, it is the Presence of a Person that destroys the presence of chaos! Jesus is our Prince of Peace! He paid the price for our peace, and left it to us as an inheritance. In this teaching, Cindy shares how to obtain your inheritance, and to walk in the power of peace to OVERCOME the storm in your life!

Joyful Anticipation of Good
Recorded May 2024

Joy is not conditional upon circumstances; rather it is based on knowing what God has done and is doing inside of you! Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Hope is joyful and confident anticipation and expectation of the promises of God coming to pass in your life. Joy is the strength that enables a person to remain steadfast and unmovable, no matter what circumstances in life we may be walking through. Joy is a choice.

Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart
Recorded May 2024

Faith is complete confidence in God, in His word, and in His will! Faith is being fully persuaded of truth. But trust is a step beyond faith. Faith always comes first, but trust doesn’t automatically follow. Trust is a willful choice, a deliberate action. Trust is faith in action. It is the manifestation of our faith in our thoughts, our words, our choices, and our actions. In this teaching I share biblical reasons WHY you can trust God, and HOW TO GROW in trusting God in every facet of your life!

The Power of Your Imagination
Recorded April 2024

Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with You; they confidently trust in You. (Isaiah 26:3 TPT) Our imagination is our spiritual womb. It’s where we conceive God’s promises and the miracle-working power within them. In this teaching, Cindy shares what God’s word says about a positive imagination, and about a sanctified imagination.

This Light Affliction is Temporary
God’s Glory is Eternal

Recorded April 2024

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 (NKJV) says, For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. Cindy teaches that the things that we see, hear, feel, and understand intellectually in the midst of our lives (our light afflictions) – are only temporary. When we shift our perspective, and keep our eyes of faith on the eternal – the eternal promises of God, His goodness, His faithfulness, the fullness of our salvation – we will not be crushed. Instead, we will be built up and given strength! His grace is indeed sufficient! (2 Corinthians 1:9)

Magnify the Cross Over the Loss
Recorded April 2024

To “magnify the cross” means to the significance of Jesus and the finished work of His cross in your heart and in your actions. “Over the loss” means everything else in your life! The problem is, in this world, believers often do the opposite. We magnify everything else in our life over Jesus and the finished work of His cross! In this teaching, Cindy highlights 4 dangerous areas many Christians fall into … being self-centered instead of God-conscious; focusing on our past wounds and failures, (Are you a living product of what YOU’VE been through, instead of what HE’S been through?); giving the issue more attention than we do God; and even allowing the issue to become an idol in our prayer life, hindering our faith in the bigness of our God!

Misperceptions About God
Recorded March 2024

Futures are being shaped by misperceptions about God. There are many distorted perceptions of God that have become deeply rooted and established in Christianity. How do we know if they are completely true, or if truth has been twisted to help us to understand the evil in the world around us? Look at Jesus! The Son is the dazzling radiance of God’s splendor, the exact expression of God’s true nature – His mirror image! (Hebrews 1:3a) If there’s a concept about God that cannot be substantiated in the life of Jesus, it is simply NOT TRUE! In this teaching, Cindy shares six distorted perceptions of God, and biblical truth to refute each of them.

Knowing God Personally
Recorded March 2024

Yada is an Old Testament word that means “to know”. Ginosko is a New Testament word that means “to know”. This kind of knowing is relational, progressive, and impactful. It means to be aware, to perceive, to discern, to know through experience or encounter, to know intimately. We are known very personally by God. He desires us to know Him personally, and then to make Him known! The fruit of the Christian life comes from knowing God personally!

Supernatural Acceleration!
Guest Speaker: Pastor Fran Viers

Recorded Feb 2024

Speaker Pastor Fran Viers teaches on Supernatural Acceleration!

Can We Know God’s Will for Healing?
Guest Speaker: David Riffel

Recorded Feb 2024

Guest Speaker David Riffel teaches a message on "Can We Know God’s Will for Healing?"

Persistence in Prayer
Recorded Jan 2024

In most situations, the release of the Holy Spirit power within us cannot simply be a one-time prayer. Persistence—consistent and ongoing releases of Holy Spirit power—is often needed. The earnest, heartfelt, continued prayer of the believer makes tremendous power available!

Releasing Holy Spirit Power
Recorded Jan 2024

Believers are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are the voice of God here on the earth. God’s power is released on earth through human vessels. He expects and needs us to release Holy Spirit power into our own lives and into the lives of others. The laying on of hands is one of the scriptural methods of releasing the power of God that is within us. God also uses us to wield His power through the spoken word of God and through Holy Spirit led declarations and decrees.

Healing for Hopelessness
Recorded Jan 2024

Jesus, the Christ, the best gift ever given: For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. (John 3:16a TPT). The best gift we can give to God is our adoration. To “adore” is:
    1. To worship with profound reverence; to address with exalted thoughts, by prayer and thanksgiving; to           pay divine honors to; to honor as a god or as divine.
    2. To love in the highest degree; to regard with the utmost esteem, affection and respect; as, the people           adore their prince.
God loves us as a parent loves a child, and He desires our love in return. Pouring out our adoration, our worship, our praise to God, is giving Him a most precious gift!

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