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About The Ministry

Kent and I often look at each other in a state of reverential awe as we witness the mighty move of God in and through our lives.  And we ask one another, “Did you ever dream or imagine that God would be using us to take His message to the world, and His healing grace to His children in need?”

Before this all began, our lives were packed to the overflow with the busyness of life that included three active kids, challenging careers, and close knit extended families.  But God wasn’t the centerpiece of our life.  We ignorantly lived a life of idolatry … putting many other facets of our life above Almighty God.  But that all changed in 2002 when I was diagnosed with stage-four melanoma, surrendered all to God, and received divine healing with no medical intervention.  He captured our hearts.  He captured our lives!

Then, in 2020, I was diagnosed with another form of cancer—lymphoma—once again stage-four.  The word of God became even more deeply engrafted into my heart, as I relied on Jesus and His finished work of the cross to carry me into healing and health once again; blessing me and the medicine I opted to receive.

Today I lead 2 weekly healing meetings called, “Jesus Christ Heals Today”.   This ministry began in 2005, just a few years after I received my first miraculous healing.  It has progressively evolved from a small-group study, into a large-group healing ministry, into a miracle ministry – the Lord working with us and confirming His Word through signs and wonders!  I love to see people fall in love with Jesus as they come to know Him personally.  I love to see them receive the healing He paid such a great price for.  I love to see them move into the abundant life that He came to provide! 

Kent and Cindy Cox

Since my retirement in 2013, our healing ministry has extended to an itinerant status.  Kent and I travel and minister with the power and grace of the Holy Spirit in each region we visit as we lead healing meetings, conferences, retreats, and healing school launches.

AND the Word of Truth is spreading nationwide as our video and audio podcasts reach the world for Jesus!

Cindy Cox Ministries

Copyright © Jesus Christ Heals Today